SmartHost Colocation Hosting services are a perfect solution for large corporations, system administration savvy individuals, and reseller/presence providers. Hosting services on a shared server are sometimes not enough to allow you the kind of control, configuration, power, and accessibility that you require. You may have the knowledge to administrate and maintain your own servers...so why pay a hosting firm to do it for you? When such is the case, you need to consider SmartHost Colocation Hosting services. You can fully control hardware, software, and backups, changing anything as you deem fit. For a lower price than installing and maintaining a network at your own location, at SmartHost you can Colocate your servers and save a bundle!
Colocation is a convenient, secure, and cost-effective solution for businesses that require a stable, high-performance network while maintaining complete control over their equipment and administration. Server Colocation in a data center saves you the costs of building your own network, and protects you from the hassles and instability of rented hosting. Colocation facilities, also known as carrier hotels, provide state-of-the-art network and security facilities, and allow companies to focus on their core business. Simply put, you are in charge of your server administration/ownership, while we provide reliable and redundant power, cooling, and high-performance network. Every location is carrier neutral, providing you with easy access to many carriers/networks, though we also provide our own network product with a network uptime SLA.
Colocation offers more control and flexibility in terms of the hardware, software, and configurations you can use than a traditional hosted solution, while we take care of all your network and facility needs so that you can focus on your core business without worrying about downtime or scalability. We provide server racking and reboots at no additional charge, along with reasonably priced basic remote hands for smooth and optimum maintenance. Expert staff is available 24/7 to assist you with all your network needs. We have enough space to meet all of your needs and can offer space from 1U Server Colocation up to fully caged access at any of our facilities.
Colocate your own hardware
1U Server Colocation
- 1U Rackspace
- 1A 110V Power
- 10000GB Bandwidth
- 1Gbps Port
- Free Reboots / Drive Swaps
2U Server Colocation
- 2U Rackspace
- 2A 110V Power
- 10000GB Bandwidth
- 1Gbps Port
- Free Reboots / Drive Swaps